Kappa Chapter of Phi MuWhy Join Phi Mu
Some insight into Phi Mu & why you may want to be a part of our sisterhood.
Recruitment FAQs
Get answers to some of the most common questions related to recruitment.
Letter from Recruitment Chair
A hello from and some insight into recruitment from our VP of Recruitment.
A Place to Call Home
Discover Phi Mu
College is exciting and sometimes challenging, but joining a sorority can help you navigate these times. Phi Mu at the University Tennessee Knoxville provides a place you can call home, somewhere to belong and surround yourself with women who want you to be your best self.
Phi Mu means something different to each of our sisters, but our shared bonds of traditions and values ties us to one another, Phi Mus across the nation, and the Phi Mu alums who came before us.
Make Friends
From you first days in our sisterhood to getting a Big through your post college years as an alumnae, Phi Mu will offer you connections through our shared bond.
Be the Best You
Our chapter promotes strong values and embodies love, honor, and truth. Our women thrive in our environment centered around sisterhood, accountability, and authenticity — empowering each of us to be our personal best self.
Lead with Courage
Within Phi Mu, there are numerous ways to be involved through elected or appointed positions, committees, and more. Most of our members are active in other organizations on campus, even holding leadership roles!
Lend a Helping Hand
The first line of our creed is “To lend to those less fortunate a helping hand” demonstrating the importance of service to Phi Mu. We’re extremely grateful to have our local philanthropy, East Tennessee Children’s Hospital, just a few blocks from campus. This provides us ample opportunities to be involved and give back.
Recruitment FAQs
Recruitment is one of the most exciting times of the year, both as a PNM and as an active chapter member! But we know that it can be overwhelming as a PNM, and you may some have questions. Here are answers to some of the most common recruitment related questions.
What are the Fall 2024 Recruitment Dates?
Fall 2024 Recruitment Information to Come!
What Do I Need to Know about Registering for Recruitment?
More information to come once Panhellenic gives us more information. In the meantime, check out the Panhellenic website.
Do I Need a Recommendation for Recruitment?
A recommendation, or rec, is a letter from an alumnae of a sorority to that chapter introducing you to them. Each sorority has different policies when it comes to accepting recommendations, but Phi Mu does not accept recommendations. Here’s the official statement from our National Headquarters.
What are the Different Rounds of Recruitment?
The first round is Go Greek! During this round, you’ll watch a video from each of the 13 chapters with your Gamma Chi group. The videos will be an intro to the chapters to give you insight into their values, history, signature events, and personality.
The second round is Philanthropy. During this round you’ll be invited to up to 10 chapters. This round is all about learning more about the service aspect of Greek life. Each chapter will tell you more about their Philanthropy.
The third round is Sisterhood. During this round you’ll be invited to up to 6 chapters. This round is focused on learning more about the chapter’s values, including sisterhood, scholarship, involvement, and more! You’ll also learn more about commitments, such as time expectations and financial costs.
The final round is Preference. It’s the most formal round of recruitment, and you’ll be invited to up to 2 chapters. During this round, you’ll gain insight into some ritual aspects of the chapter, as well as have conversations about what the chapter means to its members.
**Please note: It’s completely okay to not be invited back to the full number of chapters for each/every round.
Any Words of Advice?
Here’s what we always tell PNMs …
- Be yourself! That’s the only way you’ll find the chapter that best suits you.
- Ask questions! If you have a question, ask it! Members love sharing information about their chapter with them.
- Rest when you can! Recruitment is EXCITING, but it’s also EXHAUSTING. Rest while you can when you can.
A Note from Our Recruitment Chair
Hi! My name is Kelsie Weber, and I’m incredibly excited to serve as this year’s Vice President of Recruitment for Phi Mu.
Recruitment will be here before we know it, and I hope that you’re as excited as I am.
While it can be seen as a stressful time, recruitment is meant to be fun and help you find your home away from home at UT.
I hope you take each opportunity as a chance to learn about our chapters, so that you can find the best fit for you.
I wish each of you a wonderful recruitment, and (as always) Go Vols!