Kappa Chapter of Phi Mu FraternityGot along without you before I met you,
but I can’t live without you now
Phi Mu Events
Throughout the school year, our chapter holds and attends a variety of events. From sisterhood activities to date parties and mixers to parents’ nights, our members enjoy having fun while spending time together.
Sisterhood Events
Beginning with Bid Day, the Phi Mu experience is full of events with our sisters. Our bond is important to us and growing and strengthening that bond is even more important. In the past our sisterhood activities have included: hikes, movie nights, skating events, and more.
Social Events
Phi Mu plays host to social events throughout the year. Our organization plans and takes part in chapter date parties and formals, as well as mixers with other chapters. One of our favorite events is our annual Mad Plaid Date Party.
Family Events
Throughout the year, we’ll have events that are open to family and friends, such as Homecoming, Founders’ Day, all philanthropy events, and Parents’ Night.
Alumnae Events
Kappa Chapter is fortunate to have a wonderful alumnae base who supports our chapter through scholarship and service.
Sisterhood is one of our core chapter values. We have several sisterhood events each semester where our members have an opportunity to spend quality time together. Here are a few examples of sisterhood events we’ve done in the past couple of years:
- Drive-In Movie Nights
- Dollywood Day-Out
- Skate Nights
- Hikes
- Galentines’ Day

Family Events
Parents and families are always invited to events like Homecoming, Bonnamu, or Founders’ Day, but as an added special event we have an annual Parents’ Night each fall so our members parents may enjoy an evening with our chapter.
The Kappa Chapter of Phi Mu is incredibly fortunate to have a supportive alumnae chapter in our area. We welcome alumnae to events such as Founders’ Day and Bonnamu.
If you are an alumna wanting to be involved, please contact our Alumni President at